Javascript Library.
Commands 0 |
Execute a function when the mouse enters the element, and/or when the mouse leaves the element. or trigger the hover event/events for an element.
_z(selector).hover(function1, [function2]);
Returns: Object _z(selector)
This method is a shortcut for _z(selector).on( “mouseenter”, function1).on( “mouseleave”, function2)
To unbind hover event: Unbind hover event
Returns: Object _z(selector)
_z(selector).un("hover", [function]);
_z(selector).un("hover", [function1, function2]);
Returns: Object _z(selector)
<button id="button">Show Message & Change Title</button>
<button class="btnCTitle">Change Title</button>
<button class="btnUBEvent">Unbind "Change Title" event</button>
// bind hover event by element id
_z("#button").hover(function () {
alert("Mouse in!");
// bind hover event by element tag - this will bind the event with all elements with "button" tag.
_z("button").hover(function () {
// mouse in
// set the title as the element button text
document.title = "IN:" + _z(this).text();
}, function () {
// mouse out
// set the title as the element button text
document.title = "OUT:" + _z(this).text();
// unbind hover event by element class.
_z(".btnUBEvent").click(function () {
// trigger hover event
_z(".btnCTitle").hover(); // change document title to 'Change Title'
_z("#button").hover(); // alert 'Mouse in!' when the mouse on the element and change document title to 'Show Message & Change Title'
_z(".btnUBEvent").click(); // change document title to 'Unbind "Change Title" event' and unbind hover event on .btnCTitle button
<p class="p1">p1 line</p>
<p class="p2">p2 line</p>
<p class="p3">p3 line</p>
<button id="btn1">Remove first line hover out</button>
<button id="btn2">Remove second line hover in</button>
<button id="btn3">Remove third line hover in/out</button>
// mousein event
function hoverin() {
_z(".p3").html( "IN:" + _z(this).attr("class") + " line" );
_z(this).css("background-color", "lightblue");
// mouseout event
function hoverout() {
_z(".p3").html( "OUT:" + _z(this).attr("class") + " line" );
_z(this).css("background-color", "lightgray");
// bind mouse out event by element class
_z(".p1").hover(false, hoverout);
// bind mouse in event by element tag - this will bind the event with all elements with "p" tag.
// bind mouse in/out event by element class
_z(".p3").hover(hoverin, hoverout);
// unbind mouse out event by element class.
_z("#btn1").click(function () {
_z(".p1").un("hover", hoverout);
// unbind mouse in and mouse out event by element class.
_z("#btn2").click(function () {
_z(".p2").un("hover", hoverin);
// unbind mouse in event by element class.
_z("#btn3").click(function () {
_z(".p3").un("hover", [ hoverin, hoverout ]);
// or
// _z(".p3").un("hover");
// trigger hover event
_z(".p1").hover(); // try it, have fun.
Recommended: bind events in .ready() to execute the event when the document is fully loaded.