
Javascript Library.

As in v 1.0.0

UnderZ Features

This Library add several features to javascript to make it easier to build your programs and web pages.

Page Content:

Javascript changes

Function’s :

1. callSelf:

Apply .apply on Function with the same Function as context, [Optional] with arguments.

Return: Context Return.


fns.arg.callSelf(); // return undefined, Like: fns.arg(); // fns.arg.apply(fns.arg, []);
fns.arg.callSelf("hi", 123); // return undefined, Like: fns.arg("hi", 123); // fns.arg.apply(fns.arg, ["hi", 123]);

var myFunction = function () {
	return "" + this.value + (Array.from(arguments).join(" ")|| "");
// add value
myFunction.value = "Test: ";

myFunction.apply(myFunction, ["Hello", "World"]); // "Test: Hello World"
myFunction.callSelf("Hello", "World"); // "Test: Hello World"

2. bindSelf:

Apply .bind on Function with the same Function as context, [Optional] with arguments.

Return: Function of new Context.


var myFunction = function () {
	return "" + this.value + (Array.from(arguments).join(" ")|| "");
// add value
myFunction.value = "Test: ";

(myFunction.bind(myFunction, ["Hello", "World"]))(); // "Test: Hello World"
(myFunction.bindSelf("Hello", "World"))(); // "Test: Hello World"

3. getSize:

.getSize method returns size/length of an object.

Return: Number.


let string = "abcd";
let number = 10;
let array = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
let object = { a: 1, b: [], c: null };

string.getSize(); // 4 
number.getSize(); // 0
array.getSize(); // 3
object.getSize(); // 3
_z("body").getSize(); // 1
document.querySelectorAll("body").getSize(); // 1

Object’s :

1. each:

Iterate over an object, executing a function for each value.

Return: Object same object after applying the change.


var obj = { user: "admin", password: "123", counter: 0 };
var callback = function (k, v) {
	if("counter" == k) return ++v;
obj.each(callback); // {user: "admin", password: "123", counter: 1}
obj.each(callback); // {user: "admin", password: "123", counter: 2}

2. getType:

Get type of value.

Return: String the type of given value (lowerCase).


("_z").getType(); // string
(123).getType(); // number
(fns.arg).getType(); // function
(fns).getType(); // object
(_z).getType(); // underz
(_z("body")).getType(); // _z

3. isType:

Check type of value.

Return: Boolean is type of Object = given value.


("_z").isType("number"); // false
(123).isType("number"); // true
(fns.arg).isType("function"); // true
(_z).isType("underz"); // true
(_z("body")).isType("_z"); // true

Array’s :

1. pushSetter:

Add a new item to an array.

Return: new item type new item.


var arr = [ "user", "password", "123", "admin" ];
arr.push("test"); // 5 new array length. arr = [ "user", "password", "123", "admin", "test" ]

var arr = [ "user", "password", "123", "admin" ];
arr.pushSetter = "test"; // "test" new value add. arr = [ "user", "password", "123", "admin", "test" ]

2. unique:

Array with unique values, [Optional] key in Object (the values must be objects).

Return: Array after the change.


// values is not objects
[1, 2, 3, 1, 3].unique(); // [1, 2, 3]

// values is objects
[{ ID: 1 }, { ID: 2 }, { ID: 3 }, { ID: 1 }, { ID: 3 }].unique("ID"); // [{ ID: 1 }, { ID: 2 }, { ID: 3 }]

3. add:

Push each argument in the array.

Return: Number new array length.


// push 1 value
[1, 2, 3].add(4); // 4 = length of new array. [1, 2, 3, 4]

// push multi values
[1, 2, 3].add(4 ,5 ,6); // 6 = length of new array. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

4. inArray:

Search for a specified value within an array.

Return: Number value index or -1 if not found.


[1, 2, 3].inArray(2); // 1 = index of value 2.
[fns.log, fns.arg, fns.true].inArray(fns.log); // 0 = index of value fns.log.
['a', 'b', 'c'].inArray('d'); // -1 = value not found.

5. remove:

Remove an item/s from the array.

Return: Number new array length.


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].remove(1); // 4 = new array length. // [1, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].remove(1, 3); // 2 = new array length. // [1, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].remove(-1); // 4 = new array length. // [1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].remove(-2, -1); // 3 = new array length. // [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].remove(1, 3); // 2 = new array length. // [1, 5]
['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'].remove('b'); // 3 = new array length. // ['a', 'a', 'b']
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'].remove('b', 'd'); // 2 = new array length. // ['a', 'e']

6. removeAll:

Remove all values that match the given value.

Return: Array new array.


['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'c', 'd', 'e2'].remove('d'); // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'c', 'd', 'e2'] // remove one value
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'c', 'd', 'e2'].removeAll('d'); // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'c', 'e2'] // remove all values

7. extend:

Merage all objects in array to first object using _z.extend.

When feature is disabled:

Return: Array Same array.

When feature is not disabled:

Return: Object First object in the array.

To disable this feature use:

_z.extend.status = false;

see Extinding Object


var myFunction = function() {
	Object.keys(this).each( function(k, v) {
		var result = v + " = " + ( (this[v]).isType("object") ? _z.parse.unjson(this[v]) : this[v] );
var defaultProp = {
	theName: "myFunction",
	theValue: "Console"
var obj1 = { theName: "LogFunction" };
var obj2 = { theValue: "The value" };

[myFunction, defaultProp].extend; // myFunction, if this feature is disabled the reu
myFunction.callSelf(); /* undefined. 
theName = myFunction
theValue = Console

[myFunction, obj1].extend; // myFunction
myFunction.callSelf(); /* undefined. 
theName = LogFunction
theValue = Console

[myFunction, obj2].extend; // myFunction
myFunction.callSelf(); /* undefined. 
theName = LogFunction
theValue = The value

[_z, { testFunc: myFunction }].extend; // _z
_z.testFunc.callSelf();  /* undefined. 
theName = LogFunction
theValue = The value

[_z, { testFunc: undefined }].extend; // _z
_z.testFunc;  // undefined. 

[myFunction].extend; // myFunction

8. mix:

Merage all objects in array to first object using _z.mix.

Return: Object First object in the array.

see Merging Object


var myFunction = function() {
	Object.keys(this).each( function(k, v) {
		var result = v + " = " + ( (this[v]).isType("object") ? _z.parse.unjson(this[v]) : this[v] );
var defaultProp = {
	theName: "myFunction",
	theValue: "Console"
var obj1 = { theName: "LogFunction" };
var obj2 = { theValue: "The value" };

[myFunction, defaultProp].mix; // myFunction
myFunction.callSelf(); /* undefined. 
theName = myFunction
theValue = Console

[myFunction, obj1].mix; // myFunction
myFunction.callSelf(); /* undefined. 
theName = LogFunction
theValue = Console

[myFunction, obj2].mix; // myFunction
myFunction.callSelf(); /* undefined. 
theName = LogFunction
theValue = The value

[_z, { testFunc: myFunction }].mix; // _z
_z.testFunc.callSelf();  /* undefined. 
theName = LogFunction
theValue = The value

[_z, { testFunc: undefined }].mix; // _z
_z.testFunc;  // undefined. 

[myFunction].mix; // myFunction

String’s :

1. replaceArray:

Search a string for a specified value, replace it with a specified value.

Return: String string with replaced values.


var str = "Test: UnderZ is JS Library.";
str.replaceArray( ["UnderZ"], ["_z"]); // "Test: _z is JS Library."
str.replaceArray( ["JS", "Test: "], ["JavaScript"]); // "UnderZ is JavaScript Library."
str.replaceArray( ["JS", ":"], "*"); // "Test* UnderZ is * Library."
str.replaceArray( ["UnderZ", "JS", "Test: "], ["_z", "JavaScript"]); // "_z is JavaScript Library."
str.replaceArray( "Test:", "\\:>"); // "\:> UnderZ is JS Library."
str.replaceArray( "Test:" ); // " UnderZ is JS Library."

2. replaceAll:

Search a string for a specified value/s, replace it with specified value/s.

Return: String string with replaced values.


var str = "Test: UnderZ is JS Library.";
str.replaceAll( "UnderZ", "_z"); // "Test: _z is JS Library."
str.replaceAll( "r", "*"); // "Test: Unde*Z is JS Lib*a*y."
str.replaceAll( ["JS", "Test: "], ["JavaScript"]); // "UnderZ is JavaScript Library."
str.replaceAll( ["JS", ":"], "*"); // "Test UnderZ is * Library."
str.replaceAll( ["UnderZ", "JS", "Test: "], ["_z", "JavaScript"]); // "_z is JavaScript Library."
str.replaceAll( "Test:", "\\:>"); // "\:> UnderZ is JS Library."
str.replaceAll( "Test:" ); // " UnderZ is JS Library."

Date’s :

1. getUnixTime:

Get Unix timestamp. Alias: Date.time()

Return: Number current Unix timestamp.


(new Date()).getUnixTime(); // 1626914738
Date.time(); // 1626914738

2. time:

Get Unix timestamp. Alias for: (new Date()).getUnixTime()

Return: Number current Unix timestamp.


(new Date()).getUnixTime(); // 1626914738
Date.time(); // 1626914738

3. now:

Get Javascript timestamp.

Return: Number current Javascript timestamp.


Date.now(); // 1626914836765

Math.random :

Replacing Math.random with _z.rnd, the original in Math.__random.

Return: Number random number.

see Random number generator

Variables & Methods (window Bound)

fns Variable :

see Function Tools

timer Method :

see Timer

_z Method :

UnderZ library.

_1 Method :

see .ready()

gVar Variable :

Global variable, public variable for private use only.