
Javascript Library.

Bind or trigger a blur event on an element.

Execute a function when the form field loses focus. or trigger blur event for an element.

Bind blur event


Returns: Object _z(selector)

This method is a shortcut for _z(selector).on( “blur”, function).

To unbind blur event: Unbind blur event

Trigger blur event


Returns: Object _z(selector)

Unbind blur event

_z(selector).un("blur", [function]);
// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
var fun = function lang(l) {
  dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l)
  return true;

Returns: Object _z(selector)


<input type="text" id="text" value="Show Message & Change Title">
<input type="text" value="Change Title" class="btnCTitle">
<input type="text" value="Unbind 'Change Title' event" class="btnUBEvent">

// bind blur event by element id
_z("#text").blur(function () { 
	alert("Focus out!");

// bind blur event by element tag - this will bind the event with all elements with "input" tag.
_z("text").blur(function () { 
	// set title as the element value
	document.title = _z(this).val();

// unbind blur event by element class.
_z(".btnUBEvent").click(function () {

// trigger blur event
_z(".btnCTitle").blur(); // change document title to 'Change Title'
_z("#button").blur(); // alert 'Focus out!' and change document title to 'Show Message & Change Title'
_z(".btnUBEvent").click(); // change document title to 'Unbind "Change Title" event' and unbind blur event on .btnCTitle button

Recommended: bind events in .ready() to execute the event when the document is fully loaded.